Charles Glenn Petersen

1983 - Mississippi Years

Building Projects (continued)

Our next building project was actually a remodeling project. We decided we wanted to add skylights to our upstairs bathrooms. So during Spring Break about 10 years in our Mississippi years, we tore out the ceiling in both upstairs bathrooms which were adjacent to one another. I cut two holes in the roof one for each bathroom and put in the two skylight windows. The end of each bathroom was on an outside wall. The ceiling in the bathroom now followed the upward slope of the roof, thus giving each bathroom a more spacious feel. A few years later we took out the tub/shower in the master bathroom and replaced it with a walk-in shower with no shower door, no shower curtain, just a glass wall along the open side covering all except a walk-in space. A special auto temperature and pressure control value was at the walk-in end and the rain shower head was high up on the more enclosed area.